Cliff's day off 2d animations

A reworking of Cliff's day off page 1 you will see the difference between the video below and this one.

The first Page of Cliff's day off, this one will be remade at the end of the project as my skills have improved considerably since making this one. You will see the progression in my newer projects compared to the earlier stuff.

Cliffs day off page 2 again to be revisited as I learnt to use shading after making these cartoons, which brings the characters to life.

Cliff's day off page 3, with this episode came the revamp of the Cliffcographic logo and i redrew the Cliff character and bike animation again from scratch.

Cliff's day off page 4, I created a digital puppet for this episode in Adobe character animator. This meant that my lip and face movements  were picked up on webcam and sent to the puppet to mimic. I use this every now and again for speakingclose up front view animations.

Cliff's day off page 5 , one of the more shorter episodes but accurate to the book.

Cliff's day off page 6, I know its got a Ferris Bueller's day off rip off scene but I couldn't resist it.

Cliff's day off page 7, one of the more challenging episodes so far. I drew the train in Adobe illustrator and imported it into Adobe Fresco, then it was a case of getting all the relevant back ground animations in place. I'm quite proud of this episode.

Cliff's day off page 8. Here we are at the half way point and i've decided at this point to add subtitles to each of the films so they can be viewed in different languages. Or if you can't understand my voice subtitles are available.

I created digital puppets for this episode to use with Adobe character animator. I'm quite pleased with the results from this new style of animating.

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